Pi-hole 5: Empty dashboard fix
Pi-hole 5 got released. Cool! After upgrading my Pi-hole 4 to Pi-hole 5, my admin panel dashboard didn’t work anymore – everything was just a blank, white page when I clicked on the dashboard/home page.

Fixing it
As seen in https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/seit-update-funktionier-admin-center-nicht-mehr-vernunftig/32251/2, we just have to install the sqlite
-extension for our current PHP version.
I’m using PHP 7.4, here are my commands – make sure to change them to match your PHP version!
sudo apt install php7.4-sqlite -y
sudo /etc/init.d/php7.4-fpm restart
Make sure to restart your php-fpm
after installing the extension(s).
Everything worked after I did that:

Vă Salut cu mult Respect,, Aș avea o mare întrebare De unde aș putea Achiziționa Un SD Software ptr programare Motorola GP300 Dispun de o Interfața RIB dar Nu am Soft-ul, Vă mulțumesc mult și aștept un Răspuns,,,
Sorry, due to copyright reasons I cannot link to any downloads or similar. Use your favorite search engine! 🙂